Transport Consulting and Expertise
Researching, Planning & Developing Cutting Edge Transport Systems and Services Mainly in Europe
Developing Intelligent Transport Solutions
MH Roine Consulting is (MHR) a micro-sized sms e.g. entrepreneur located in Helsinki, Finland and also operating in Spain. We offer high-level consultancy services mainly on transport related activities and in reseach, development and innovations.
MHR is working in the field of Transport and concentrating on research, development, planning and creation of cutting edge technology systems and services. We appreciate cooperation with public and private sectors and operate through networking with the best national and international competences and universities.
Our Services
MHR provides consultancy services in the transport. MHR concentrates on most advanced technologies, innovations, business models and viable customer oriented services especially on:
We can provide additional competent resources following the requirements and needs of our customers through our international cooperation networks.
Our Experts
MHR is a micro-company that operates with the best experts and follows a networked and cooperative strategy in our operations.
Ph.D. (Transport) Matti Roine

Ph.D. Matti Roine is responsible for the company operations related to transport. Matti Roine has over 40 years experience in transport research, development and planning and he is Ph.D. in Transport and Community Planning. He has wide experiences from the public and private sector operations and from research organizations.
Doctor Matti Roine is expert in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Traffic Safety Management and automated transport systems and participated several times in EU as a project reviewer.
He has published more than 50 reports and numerous papers and presentations in international and national forums and been as the keynote speakers in the international forums. Today, he assists Oulu university in transport research activities as an outer expert.
M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) Juhani Jääskeläinen
Mr. Juhani Jääskeläinen graduated as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Mr. Jääskeläinen has made a 20-year career in the European Commission which he joined in 1996, working in the management of the Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. In 1999 he was nominated Head of Sector, Mobility Services in the Directorate - General Information Society (INFSO).
Between 2005 and 2012 he worked as Deputy Head of Unit and Head of Unit in INFSO G4, ICT for Transport. From 2012 to 2014 he had the post of Senior Adviser to Director-General, ICT for Transport and Energy in the reorganised DG CONNECT. Mr. Jääskeläinen left the Commission in 2014 to become an independent consultant. He has a thorough industrial experience, and he has worked in the management of Research and Development in various international companies.

Administration & Financing

Helena Roine M.Sc (Econ), is responsible for administration and finance related matters of MH Roine Consulting. She has about 35 years' experience on corporate finance, business control and finance organization development. She has worked in senior finance positions in UPM-Kymmene Oyj, Nokia Oyj and ICL Data Oy among others.